One of the things that I have found the most rewarding is the habit of being consistent. First of all, I don’t start something unless I am sure I can finish it. And if I start something, I don’t quit. I stay the course till the end.

Writing Blog Posts Regularly When Not Feeling Like An Expert Blogger

Blogging can be a hobby or a profession depending upon your understanding and perception about this concept. To me, I don’t have time to waste. If I am investing my time in writing blog posts, I prefer to do it seriously than playing at it like a hobby.

Why is that so?

It Is A Rule Of Thumb In Every Field

Growing up in India, I saw (and also participated) in playing cricket with friends on streets. We still play cricket on holidays whenever possible. If you enjoy any other sports such as soccer, football, tennis, basketball etc., you will find people who play it as a hobby and enjoy watching big games on TV.

On the other hand, there are those who got started just like you and me, took that game seriously, worked hard, stayed consistent with practice and went on to become a professional player. They are the ones who come on TV when hobbyist and other fans watch the big games.

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This is one awesome story a friend of mine sent me in the email a few years ago. I loved the story that time and today again. So  I decided to share with you here. Hope you enjoy it as well and the lesson that comes along. Here goes the story:

This young man wished to marry the farmer's beautiful daughter. Therefore, he went to the farmer to ask for his permission for this marriage.

Bull Chasing The Boy Away Who Wanted To Marry Farmer's Beautiful Daughter

The farmer looked him over and said, "Son, go stand out in that field. I'm going to release three bulls, one at a time. If you can catch the tail of any one of the three bulls, you can marry my daughter."

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A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Continue Reading…

A Pessimist Sees Difficulty In Every Opportunity – Winston Churchill

Social Media for Business Leaders

If you are in college, you are busy with classes and your assignments. If you are a professional working on a job, no time left between job and family. Everybody is busy with things on their plate. And to add to the pain – Social is a new irresistable temptation…or better yet – a new need of the hour that you must keep up with. Social media is becoming increasingly vital component of our lives.

Interestingly, even today, some people still ask, "Is it really needed? Is it not a waste of time?"


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