Who doesn’t want to be successful in their endeavor? Every entrepreneur wants success and if you are like me, you also want it as of yesterday.
Since starting my journey of entrepreneurship, I have studied success stories of many extraordinary entrepreneurs (Rich Devos, Sam Walton, Steve Jobs etc.), successful sports personalities (John Wooden, Tom Landry etc.) and some extremely successful bloggers (Darren Rowse, Michael Hyatt, Neil Patel etc.) and learned tremendous motivation.
I have mentioned on several occasions that I continue to attend many success seminars and workshops regularly as I continue to learn and grow. Seminars and workshops are definitely my favorite because of the power of association which makes a huge difference in our mindset!
Just a couple of decades ago, blogging didn’t even exist. It is relatively a new thing when we compared to some of the old ways of advertising, marketing or finding new business. However, there are about 200+ million blogs running on the internet today.
Blogging has established itself as the center of all online marketing where even big brands are paying a lot of attention to it.
Yet, I see so many people puzzled about blogging and its potential. Some are afraid that they are not good at this or that or something along those lines (just like fear of public speaking) while many others do not see it as a viable option.
But what concerns me the most is when smart people, who are successful at what they do, don’t see the point. They outrageously reject blogging as a viable marketing tool, thinking it is for people who have nothing better going on in their lives. Continue Reading…
I love attending business seminars, personal development workshops and networking events where I get to meet successful entrepreneurs from various industries and learn from their experience. This is how I add value to my entrepreneurial spirit.
Recently, I attended a professional seminar with a few of my business associates and got to listen to and learn from some of the top entrepreneurs in Dallas metro area. It was a fun filled event with a power packed schedule where I got a chance to make a lot of notes for myself.
Anybody can start something and anybody can quit – but it takes a winner to finish. Nobody wants to be a failure, nobody wants to be a quitter either. However, not everybody who starts something is able to finish the job.
A lot of people start new ventures with great excitement and enthusiasm. They get off the starting line and start to run for sometime. But something happens on the way and they start to lose the motivation. Probably they start to doubt themselves or their ability to succeed. Finally, they give up on their dreams and fail to reach the finish line.
It's amazing how many people do not read one book in their lifetime after getting out of school (or college). Well, I was one of those as well for several years. Never read a book, never attended a seminar or a workship for a long time!
Until one day, a family friend handed over "The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People" by Dr. Stephen Covey and, that one book, changed the direction I was headed towards in my life. That was the first book I picked up, and since then, I never stopped reading. Continue Reading…