Email marketing outperforms social media 8 to 1. So, you bought the premium product, Follow-Up Emails WordPress plugin from Woocommerce, to leverage the power of Email Marketing. Well, let’s examine how it delivers on its promise.
woocommerce-follow-up-emails-dosn't deliver-the-promise

What Follow-Up Emails Plugin Is Supposed To Do

This premium plugin from Woocommerce is supposed to enable you to define and create your own customized emails that will be automatically delivered to your customer’s email inbox, at defined intervals, after they complete a specific action such as finishing a quiz, making a purchase, or signing up for an account etc.

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Most of us do not even think about sending emails through our WordPress powered website. We have WordPress handling this task by default using PHP mail functionality which works! Well, in most cases.
using mandrill on wordpress website for better control on email delivery and email tracking
However, I had challenges in the past when I didn’t even know that some of the emails my website sent, ended straight into the receiver’s SPAM folders. Thanks to some of my friends from the blogosphere who told me about this issue.

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Just because Aweber is popular, it is not necessarily the best email marketing service out there. After being a loyal customer for over 3 years, I finally decided to change my service provider.
Email Marketing Service - Switched From Aweber To GetResponse - Reasons For The Switch Explained
The reason I signed up with Aweber is not that I knew a lot about email marketing. It wasn’t because I knew a whole lot about different companies either. I chose Aweber for my email marketing needs because it was the service so many online marketers were using and recommending.

People told me that Aweber was the “gold standard” in email marketing. And it worked. I was impressed and convinced!

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The success of your email marketing depends on how many people open your email. Obviously there is no point in sending emails to those who don’t even open your emails, right?
Email Open Rates - How Accurate Are These Calculations
Email open rates seem to be an important metric for many internet marketers. In fact, I have been very diligently following email open rates for a long time.

But, it changed after my friend and a fellow entrepreneur, Adrian Jock helped me understand this correctly.

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If you are using an Autoresponder service like Aweber or GetResponse, are you making sure you keep your mailing list clean? I ask because, sometimes, not cleaning your list may cost you money.
Keep Your Mailing List Clean - Remove People Who Unsubscribe - Save Money

Those who know me personally, know that I don’t pay much attention to fine prints. I don’t like to do house cleaning activities very often either.

Just by fluke I happened to see consistent emails from Aweber (which I store in a separate folder in my Gmail account) month after month this year so far saying they were able to charge my credit card successfully.

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Anything we do, we need to have some balance. When we get out of balance, that is when things start to get out of control. The same applies to social media marketing and list building as well.

Business Man Celebrating When Somebody Unsubscribed From His Mailing List

When I started my first blog back in 2009, I didn’t know anything about list building and why it was important. But I heard about it everywhere. It seemed like such a sexy thing to have and some of those who had a huge list were winning everywhere.

Well, I quickly learned about list building and because it was so cool thing to have, I placed my subscriber forms and started to collect email addresses as I continued blogging. I followed the leaders and sure enough, my list began to grow slowly.

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List building and Email Marketing may not be something that a new website owner plans for initially when starting out. While setting up our new website or blog, most of us start out to build our brand identity online.

List Building And Email Marketing Using Autoresponder Services For Online Entrepreneurs

However, as we start to mature and begin to get confidence, we begin to commit a little bit more, and then a bit more.

A time comes when we begin to ask ourselves, “Can I also make money while I continue to do what I am doing online?” If you've had this question on your mind, what you are thinking really is – how to build an online business with your website.

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Email marketing has been identified as such an effective and inexpensive medium of marketing that an entire industry has emerged to support it.

In today’s rapidly changing digital world, email is the place where most people spend the most of the time everyday.

Email Marketing - Nielson US Mobile Time Spent New Survey

It has the potential to be a very effective medium to share information, build relationships, and create credibility.

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Do you have ambitious dreams of growth for your business but a tight marketing budget? If you are that situation, you aren't alone. A lot of small business owners face this challenge. The good news however is – there are a few awesome and proven low budget techniques that can put your marketing efforts on the fast track of growth. 


Marketing Plan and Strategies for Small Business Owners

Here are five powerful and proven marketing tactics for you:

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