If it wasn’t for the fear of rejection, most people would love to be in business for themselves. It is the fear of rejection that stops many people from even starting their own business, while many others give up early on when they are faced with a few rejections.

Rejections Make You A Champion - Angry Women Rejecting An Offer

Even though I have been pretty confident (my mother thought I was overconfident) from my childhood, I have been intimidated by rejections very much in the early days of my career as an entrepreneur. It was unacceptable to me that somebody would actually reject my offer.

In fact, it was because of the fear of rejection that I never went for ‘Walk-In’ job interviews.  I never applied for a job by myself. I uploaded my resumes on job websites and waited for the calls to come. To my serendipity, I did receive interview calls and I always (I mean always) got selected.

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Those who know me should know that I am a Toastmasters fan. I enjoy being with my club every Thursday evening. I believe it is a great confidence building platform, especially for those who want to get rid of the fear of speaking in public.

Refuse To Accept Defeat Without Fighting The Good Fight

During our last club meeting it was interesting when Toastmaster Kim Vesely put me on the spot. In the Table Topics section of the meeting, she invited me to the stage with a question something like this:

What is the one character trait of yours that you think others should also have?


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Website setup is one of the major challenges that most people face. For some people it’s too difficult a task and others perceive it as a thing that costs too much money and time to manage. What I found through experience is, it’s lack of information that makes things difficult for us.

Introducing Website Setup Education Program Email Course

My Personal Branding Story

Website setup was one my major challenges as well when I started to think of building my online brand identity. I knew I needed to do it. I was therefore looking for expert help. During those days, a friend of mine introduced me to a web developer in Bangalore, India who agreed to help. I was excited!

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All kids have tremendous talents and we squander them pretty ruthlessly. ~ Sir Ken Robinson [tweet this]

Going through my old bookmarks, I found this brilliant 2006 TED talk by Sir Ken Robinson. In this incredible TED Talk, he argues that the public education system across our planet is designed to kill creativity.

Ted Talk By Sir Ken Robinson - How Public Schools Kill Creativity

In his 10.29 minutes of funny, engaging, and powerful TED talk, Sir Ken Robinson argues that we've been educated to become good workers, rather than creative thinkers.

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Let’s face it, who doesn’t have problems? If you have problems in your life, that’s simply means that you’re alive. Problems come unbidden, and oftentimes unexpectedly. So when they do, no matter their size, they need to be dealt with.

Hot Air Balloon Problem Solving Technique by Bill Butler

Many of our problems are a result of our own blunders. We often make mountains out of molehills such that avoiding the day ahead seems like the only viable option. But the truth is… avoiding problems will not solve them. It will only serve to magnify and exacerbate them. 

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The Ultimate Measure Of A Man Is Not Where He Stands In The Moments Of Comfort And Convenience

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The ultimate measure of a man – Martin Luther King, Jr.