New Year Resolutions – How To Make It Your Best Year Ever

Kumar Gauraw

New Year is the time when I’ve always felt that all of us are filled with new energy, new hopes of new beginnings and we all so look forward to the best year. Once again we are almost done with this current year and so looking forward to another year filled with success and happiness.

Happy Holidays - Happy New Year - Goal Settings And Game Planning For Brand New Year


Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson [tweet this]

I remember writing down new dreams, talking about it, praying to God (secretly) to make those dreams come true while I was a little kid. And, of course, if those things didn’t happen, the punishment to God was – no prayer for next several weeks or even months!

Many of us make New Year resolutions every year, some of us write them down as well, start to work on them as the year begins and then abandon them slowly in a few weeks.

However, the solution to failed resolution is not to abandon the practice, but to supplement it with a broader resolution—a commitment to a goal-driven lifestyle.

As we are gearing towards yet another brand New Year, 2013,  it’s time to take a pause and plan our dreams, goals and activities for the success we desire this year.

As this new year unfolds, here are the list of things I plan to do this year to help keep myself positive, on target and heading towards my goals. As I share these with you, I hope that you will find them useful as well:

1. Expect To Win In The New Year

Having dreams is great, writing them down and to put a date on them is awesome. But one thing I know – if I do not expect them to happen, they aren’t happening.

"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential – these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." ~ Confucius

May be you want to lose 40 pounds this year, may be that you want to write a book, or you may have goals to take your business to the next level – have absolute faith that it’s time that those dreams come true. This IS the year when things are absolutely going to happen!

To learn more about it and master the art of attracting success, I recommend that you set a goal to read two incredible books:

2.  Be Thankful For Things Accomplished

I feel so proud thinking about the year we are wrapping up and happy about all the personal and professional achievements this year has brought.

I am especially so very thankful for all the wonderful people who came into my life this year and brought so many blessings with them.

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." ~ Oprah Winfrey

As we embark on the journey in a brand New Year, take the opportunity to appreciate all the learning, experiences and achievements of this year and then look forward to achieving those new goals of this year.

This year, plan to read  The Secret Gratitude Book by Rhonda Byrne  and One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp and get empowered.

3. Learn From The Past – But Don’t Hold Onto It

"No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again." ~ Buddha

We all go through life experiences and not everything is pleasant. The struggles, roadblocks, setbacks and failures are part of the journey.

Clinging to resentment for the unpleasant experiences of the past only hurts. It doesn’t have the ability to make us happy or inspired. Therefore, I choose not to let the past rob me of the gift of the opportunities presented to me today.

To learn more on the art of letting go, I recommend you start by reading The Secret of Letting Go by  Guy Finley.

4. Learn Something New Every Day

This is the one habit I developed a couple of years ago and it has brought so much confidence and success in many unexpected ways to me.

Can you imagine having the knowledge about 365 new things at the end of the year by just learning one new thing every day? It is that powerful.

New things do not have to be huge. Just little things such as:

  1. Learning to cook one new dish.
  2. Learning one new word – it’s meaning, pronunciation and usage.
  3. Learning a new way to bring more customers to your business
  4. Learning a new technique to make your blog better
  5. Making a new friend and getting to know them

Doing things of this nature pushes us out of the comfort zone. This brings the next and final task I want to share with you today with regard to planning for the new year.

5. Be A Possibility Thinker –  Take More Risks

I’ve always believed in my ability to risk by trying new things, to be open to new ideas and it has rewarded me with more opportunities and many successes. This year, I personally plan to continue my journey and I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and try something new every day.

In today’s rapidly changing world, the people who are not taking risks are the risk takers. ~Robert Kiyosaki [tweet this]

Every successful entrepreneur, every achiever that we admire for their accomplishments, once decided to take risks, made a courageous decision. As long as we are willing to risk failure, willing to learn from mistakes and grow through them, this coming year will yield tremendously positive results that we can be proud of.


Questions: What are your personal development plans for this coming year? How are you planning to make this year the best year of your life? Please click here to share your thoughts now. Thank you kindly.

Kumar Gauraw

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Kumar Gauraw is a Personal Branding & Social Media strategist helping entrepreneurs and skilled professionals achieve personal and professional success by developing leadership and leveraging the power of the Internet, Blogging and Social Media.

11 Awesome Thoughts So Far, Add Yours Now...

  1. Ravi Teja

    Happy new year to you in advance. I liked your ideas and I am going to use some of them in my life too. Thanks a lot.

    • Thank you Ravi and wish you too a very happy and prosperous new year 2013!

  2. Thanks a lot for sharing this powerful plan for getting SUCCESS in the NEW YEAR 2013! I am working on my plan for the year but now I will prepare myself according to these five powerful steps.Again thank you so much!

    • You are welcome, brother! Keep up your great work there! We can’t wait to see you move on this year!

  3. Fonda Waddell


    At the beginning of each year, I am always aspire to the great things
    I hope to accomplish within twelve months.
    Yes I write my resolutions down and then refer back conveniently.
    As the months pass by, I find myself easily distracted.
    Mostly because throughout the year my plan and goals
    change like the wind and I don’t want to set myself up for failure.
    Yes, I am part of the 88 percent of those who set New Year’s
    resolutions and fail after six months.

    Maybe I will work on being a task oriented person, creating
    something like a manifesto with regard to my business.

    So for 2013, I plan to write down specific plan of actions and make them attainable.
    I want to surround myself with positive and prominent people.
    Those who truthfully walk the walk and talk the talk like Kumar Gauraw.

    Kumar, your #3. “Learn From The Past – But Don’t Hold Onto It”.
    Is very true. I know I can not change the mistakes I made in 2013.
    While mistakes are inevitable, if I can learn from the current ones,
    I will learn from future ones.

    How do you get past the doubts and get back in the game from your mistakes?

    Again and Again, you are the best, Another Great Post.
    If I have learned anything from my past is to “Keep It Simple and Attainable ”

    To Your Success,

    • Wow! Thank you for the enthusiastic response, Fonda.
      You are right, we all make mistakes, but the wise men and women learn from their mistakes and move on. I’ve seen you doing that and I am sure this year is going to be a year of significant success for you.
      Happy New Year to you in advance!

  4. Dear kumar, here are my top four goals for the year 2013 and this is what I want to say to my family, friends and the world on 31st Dec 2013:

    1. I am so happy and grateful now that I live my life in total authenticity by following my life purpose day in day out. (Though my written life purpose is kept changing little bit here and there as my awareness levels go up, the overall picture remains the same from the day one I discovered it and it is… “To be an inspiring,loving teacher and example of the fundamental truths on the science of accomplishment & art of fulfillment (What?); that helps myself and others to lead happy & exuberant lives(Why?); by awakening the presence of infinite universal intelligence locked up within all of us.” (How?))

    2. I am so happy and grateful now that I have become an author of the bestselling book “The First Creation – An Unspoken Strategy Of High Achievers”, which is transforming my readers lives by following a simple strategy to manifest all of their deepest desires into tangible results.

    3. I am so happy and grateful now that I have become one of the most sought after Guidewire configuration and integration consultant in the world, serving each and every client with timely and quality deliverables, by my undivided 100% presence at work, energetic physiology, empowering psychology and engaging persuasion.

    4. I am so happy and grateful now that I have built an impactful web presence for all my services as software engineer, personal empowerment coach and seminar leader. Peak Potent – A platform to provide software training, placement and consultancy services; Success Square International – a platform to promote my services as seminar leader, Life Success Consultant and Leadership coach; and Let Me Be Your Mentor – a platform to provide year long mentoring via live and recorded video / audio streaming and weekly webinars.)

    • Thank you for sharing your story, achievements and the enthusiasm, Venkat. This adds value to the post itself to a great extent. Happy New Year to you!

  5. Some good tips here Kumar – thanks for sharing! I believe the 5th one is the most important: Be A Possibility Thinker – Take More Risks.

    That’s where it all starts: our mindset, our approach. And I really like #4: Learn Something New Evert Day. We often believe we “don’t have time because we’re too busy”, but honestly, all it takes is 15 to 30min to read, learn a new word, start meditating, writing, etc.

    One thing I would also recommend, is doing a daily and weekly reflection/review of your day/week (something I learned from Robin Sharma’s tips). At the end of each day, take some time to simply reflect on your day:

    How’d it go? Was it fun?
    Did you learn anything new?
    Did you accomplish the tasks you set out to complete today? Why? Why not?
    What are you thankful for?

    And then at the end of each week, do something similar, where you review your week and plan the upcoming week. Things to ask: What went well? What needs work? (something I learned from The Way of The Champion).

    The biggest benefit of this practice is that you become so much more self-aware and you’ll truly begin to understand not only how your spending your time and progressing towards your plans/goals, but you also learn so much more about yourself: i.e. what you enjoy most, what you’re most thankful for, etc.


    PS: Have you seen Robin Sharma’s 5-Step Process To Make This New Year Your Best Year Yet video? Or Brian Johnson’s New Year Planning Video? I shared both here and they have some great ideas to help make the most of your review/planning processes. I thought you might find their tips useful:

    • Hi Parin,
      Yes, I did watch Robin Sharma’s video talk and it is phenomenal, no questions! I liked your idea of a reflection at the end of each day. That’s a great idea!

      I will check out the Brian Johnson’s video. I haven’t seen that yet. Thank you for sharing.

  6. In other to make your new year your best ever, I think you need to write down the goal first and work on them each day. The more you write and rewrite your goals and think about them, the clearer the goals will become. The clearer you are about what you want, the more likely you are to do more and more of the things that are consistent with achieving it. Meanwhile, you will do fewer and fewer of the things that don’t help to get the things you really want.

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