How To Build Credibility For Your Brand Identity Through Your Blog

Kumar Gauraw

Do you use your blog as a tool for building your credibility, authority and influence?

Key Elements To Build Credibility And Increase Popularity Through Your Blog
If you haven’t thought in that direction so far, you need to start clearing your blogging misconceptions quickly and start thinking of your blog as a tool to do so.

A lot of bloggers come to blogging to make quick bucks and very soon, they fade away once they begin to realize that there is no shortcut to success. Making legitimate money has never been and will never be so easy.

Some people blog only for the purpose of link building as their core objective. Well, that aspect of blogging should be dying now since the recent crackdown by Google.

Using Your Blog To Establish Your Brand Credibility

In this post, let’s take a look at a few things you need to keep in mind in relation to blogging.

Yes, blogging, content marketing is a great way to start sharing your knowledge, your thought processes and to reach out to the masses. Blogging is a great way to establish your credibility as a marketer, as a thought leader in your industry.

However, how do you improve your brand’s credibility through your blog?

Here are a few quick tips that can help you establish your brand’s credibility in the marketplace. These steps have proven their worth time and again for many top business leaders.

So, let’s get started.

1. Make Your Blog Reflect Your Core Values

You cannot have credibility through your blog if your blog doesn’t reflect your core principles and values.

For your blog to add credibility to your brand identity, your blog must be in sync with your brand’s vision, mission and core values.

If your business is teaching, make sure your blog content is instructive in nature and that you always teach something of value through your blog.

You can’t share jokes and politics if those are not related subject areas for your business.

2. Make Your Value Proposition Clear & Simple

This was one of my major challenges in the beginning. I had good traffic, a good following and good subscribers. But, nobody knew what problems I could solve for my visitors. Nobody knew I can do for others.

At the end of the day, people want to know what problems can you solve for them, what benefits can you provide them, and what solutions can they get from you.

However, do not make your blog – a sales page. It is important to tell people what you can do for them. But, that doesn’t mean that every page on your blog is all about how great you are.

Keep your value proposition simple, concise and sweet. Keep it interesting and displayed prominently as a menu item.

3. Ensure That Your Blog Shows You Care

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” – John C. Maxwell

People are going to read your content and visit your blog over and over again if they know that you care about them.

I know many top bloggers who have a huge fan base and a huge engagement. The only reason they have such a tremendously powerful tribe is that they care about their readers. They love to contribute their best to their readers and their community loves them in return.

If your audience knows that you care for them, that you listen to them and value them, this will tremendously improve your credibility.

4. Never Let Credibility Gap Happen

According to Wikipedia, credibility gap is defined as follows:

Credibility gap is a political term that came into wide use during the 1960s and 1970s. At the time, it was most frequently used to describe public skepticism about the Lyndon B. Johnson administration’s statements and policies on the Vietnam War. Today, it is used more generally to describe almost any “gap” between the reality of a situation and what politicians and government agencies say about it.

However, this is also very practical in business world. It is very important that you always underpromise and overdeliver. If you reverse the order, you create a credibility gap that hurts your brand identity online and/or off-line.

Credibility gap gets created and you write a blog post with a promising title that brings people in. However, when your content doesn’t deliver what the headline promised, people begin to doubt your ability to deliver on your promises.

Therefore, avoid promising things you can’t deliver. Do not sensationalize your blog posts if there is nothing sensational about it.

5. Build relationships With Influential People

I had shared about this in a recent guest blog post I did at Adrienne’s blog. In that post, I recommended having connections with influential bloggers. This is important to the credibility of your websites.

However, I want to expand on that a little in this post.

In the words of one of the top bloggers, Jon Morrow,

In every niche, there are a group of influencers who will decide exactly how popular your blog becomes. If they like you, your blog gets traffic. If they don’t like you, you get ignored by everybody.

Well, I am not saying that you have to believe every word of this quoted text. However, Jon does make a point worth thinking about.

If you have a leadership blog, don’t you think that your popularity and credibility and shoot up through the roof if people like Robin Sharma, John Maxwell and Brian Tracy start to share your content through their social media channels?

It is very important that you understand the value of real relationships with influencers in your own niche. I am not sure if not having such relationships is hurtful for your credibility. However, I am sure that such relationships can put your popularity and credibility both on steroids.

Share Your Thoughts Now

Do you think that these five steps can add some value to any brand’s credibility through their blog? How many of these steps have you found to be useful in establishing a brand identity in your experience?

Please share your thoughts and comments and add value. Thank you kindly!

Kumar Gauraw

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Kumar Gauraw is a Personal Branding & Social Media strategist helping entrepreneurs and skilled professionals achieve personal and professional success by developing leadership and leveraging the power of the Internet, Blogging and Social Media.

30 Awesome Thoughts So Far, Add Yours Now...

  1. Hi Kumar,
    As with most things in life, I believe it pays to be honest. The credibility gap occurs when someone espouses values that are not evident in their daily living. So whether it is branding, interpersonal relationships, our actions need to be in alignment with our highest values.

    Kind Regards,

  2. Hey Kumar,

    I definitely agree with what Bill said, it just pays to be honest.

    Now I have been learning a lot lately from a lot of big name business owners and bloggers and they preach about authenticity. Being an open book really caring about their audience, always being open and truthful with them. I mean seriously, is there any other way! I think that when that’s really who you are as a person then it all just comes naturally.

    I also understand that a lot of people just now coming into blogging aren’t quite clear on their objectives and what they’re suppose to be doing including setting up their blogs. I was all over the place when I started but just fell into what I’m doing now so mine might be a little obvious now where it certainly was not in the beginning.

    Building relationships is crucial and the more you can do that with some influencial people the better off you’re going to be. Knowing that just one of them shared our content says a whole lot to their audience.

    Great share Kumar, thank you so much and as always good stuff.


    • Hi Adrienne,

      Yes, authenticity is very important and serious bloggers should take it very seriously.

      You shared your beginning in your comment and I thought that I was the same way in my beginning as well.

      I think we all do mistakes. However, it’s all about learning from them and becoming better with time 🙂

      Have a successful rest of the week!


  3. Hi Kumar,

    This is not my first visit to your blog, but it is my very first comment.

    You’re right that the blog should be used as a tool to help build the brand’s credibility and identity. A blog is like your “personality” and it should be transparent like a glass. People create like or dislike for blogs just as they do for people, based on the same principle.

    Those who fake themselves, can’t survive long in the relationship. I agree with the commentators above me that you can’t fool all the people all the time. You get caught, and when that happens, you’re done. So, the best policy is to be honest.

    What’s new and important that I find in this post is the information on the “Credibility Gap”. That’s such an important factor that can build or destroy your brand image. Though I feel sometimes its not intentional, but then people may not understand that and they’re quick to make assumptions. So, every move has to be planned and carefully executed, and this I’ve learned from my experiences and mistakes.

    Thanks for sharing this important and great post for bloggers and corporate alike.

    All the best,

    • Hi Vinay,

      Thank you for dropping by to share your thoughts here 🙂

      I agree when you say that a lot of people creat credibility gap unintentionally because they do not think and plan well before claiming something or promising something.

      It is very important for matured entrepreneurs to avoid credibility gap as much as possible. I am glad you enjoyed this aspect of blogging.

      Have a great rest of the week!


  4. Hi Kumar,

    I surely agree with all that you have mentioned here! To have credibility, we must be ourselves and be ethical. We cannot get into political conversations and also not to divulge too much information about ourselves.

    It is OK to mention some things about ourselves, but let us not be an open book. The worst thing I see on some blogs are women complaining about their spouses. I run from that stuff!

    If we want a leadership blog, we must provide good information and try to make friends with others in our niche that are way ahead of us.

    Great post!


    • Hi Donna!

      LOL! I do read husband wife jokes once in a while but a forum where people complain about their spouses will not be funny! I am glad you run away for those places 🙂

      Thank you for dropping by and have a great week!


  5. Hi Kumar,
    This is a very interesting post! I couldn’t agree with you more on these proven steps to establishing brands credibility. Every marketer needs to establish core values firmly even as the audience is made to know the benefits of sticking with the values.

    Building credibility of a brand begins with identifying problems, making promises, and delivering solutions to the reader. If this is done consistently and carried out with the best practices then trust would be established. This ultimately would lead to credibility!

    I upvoted this post in kingged where it was shared for Internet marketers.

  6. Hello Kumar, This is a great artcile my friend. I do know when I first started blogging I had NO idea as to what I was doing, I did NOT brand Me and that was the problem.. LOL

    I am still in the learning mode and probably always will be but it is a whole lot easier when I have friends like you to learn from…

    Thanks for sharing..Chery :))

    • Hi Chery,

      Glad to hear from you! How have you been?

      Well, you are doing a great job with your blogging and I am sure we all learn for each other.

      Thank you for dropping by and adding value.


  7. Hi Kumar,

    First of all, I don’t see the date on your post neither the comment on the post, is this something hidden? *curious*

    I have been wanting to come and visit you…finally, I did. I know that I don’t comment here a lot but many times I’m bogged down with time. Reading 5-blogs a day is time consuming and I don’t even think I follow these rules as far as reading. Lately, I have been spending MORE time developing my website, that’s about it.

    Anyway, I agree with what you said. I have been developing relationship with “Influencer” and so far so good. However, it’s true that it’s better to underpromise and over deliver instead of the other way around. There’s a danger on saying TOO MUCH and NOT DOING IN ACTION. So great advice.

    Just quickly passing by. Hope you have a great Tuesday!!


    • Hi Angela,
      There is only one place on my page where you can find date. It is below the post and above the comment in the meta section where tags are.

      I don’t put date everywhere on my page because I feel it pollutes my page size with unnecessary content.

      Thank you for taking time to share your thoughts and taking time to read in the first place 🙂

      I know how difficult it is sometimes to read blog posts because we are connected to so many bloggers and our time is so limited. So, no hard feelings. I am glad you came 🙂

      Have a wonderful day and if I can be of any assistance, please feel free to let me know.


  8. Great post Kumar.

    I think most people follow through on most of what you’ve suggested is because it can take quite a bit of time. Also the fact, and maybe even more important, that it can be intimidating trying to get in with those that are at the top, those that can influence.

    Seems many people are not always “themselves” too, which can help with content and socializing.

    Well, just my thoughts 🙂

  9. Hello Mr. Kumar
    Excellent article,
    I believe many things matter in the blogging world, but for me, the integrity and character of the person matters most.

    My desire is that as I continue to grow in the blogging world, people will be able to “see and hear” in my posts what type of person I am.

    At this present time, I am more aware of the headlines and the content.

    I hope I can meet the expectations of my readers.

    As always,ni enjoy reading your articles.
    Thank you

  10. Hi Kumar,

    I absolutely love each tip.

    All rock, and #3 has jumped out to me more than ever recently. I set the intent to genuinely care about every reader, commentor and social sharer I’ve connected with. I’ve been authentic for quite a while but starting a new blog has influenced me to rush less and be present more.

    When you’re present you naturally care about your audience and have more powerful, real interactions with people you’re connecting with. Your comments will rock, as will social interactions and since your posts will have greater clarity around them you’ll naturally become a branding dynamo for whatever niche you choose.

    Connecting with influencers makes the branding engine go because people with clout, and huge audiences, can help accelerate your brand awareness with a tweet, blog post or youtube video. A Facebook or Google Plus update, or LinkedIn status update…..things can change for you that quickly when somebody of influence notes you.

    Just yesterday the official Hootsuite account on twitter noted my Hootsuite review and tweeted me, telling me what an awesome job I did. I was floored. 1 million plus followers just were exposed to my brand, and I was so grateful for that mention.

    The power of branding, right? When you genuinely care about the work you do and the people you connect with you simply can’t go wrong when it comes to establishing your brand’s identify.

    Give freely, help people out, promote others, be authentic, and world of prospering opportunities for growing your brand will show up on your door step.

    Kumar, thanks so much for the awesome post.

    I’ll tweet it shortly.


    • You have so aptly summarized Kumar’s entry…it’s a great feeling being appreciated for what you actually do. And when such is associated with your brand (or work), things can only get better!


    • Hi Ryan,
      Wow! This is the most detailed comment I have seen from you and it is just phenomenal.

      I have seen you emphasize on being present and that is so awesome to see someone talk about it in today’s fast pace lifestyle.

      Thank you for doing that and exemplifying what you teach. That’s exactly what credibility building is all about.

      I am glad you enjoyed the article and appreciate you for taking time to add value.


  11. Hi Kumar; You made some solid points here. I definitely believe in building relationships with top bloggers. it was through my friendship with adrienne smith that a lot of people got to know me when she mentioned me in a round up post called five bloggers you should know. also i can count on comments from the bloggers I have gotten to know through the bloggers helping bloggers group on linked in. I have two sites and each of them have a blog. on the midway the blog tells about new equipment or successes of the site. at the new one the blind blogger the posts share my story with the goal being getting hired as a coach or mentor or for public speaking. so thanks for helping others learn the value of using their blog to cement their brand online. take care, max

    • Hi Max,

      I am always inspired by your story. I have known about you as Mr. Midway as you like to call yourself.

      You are a great inspiration for those who want to earn overcoming and no wonder Adrienne recommended you.

      Thank you for dropping by and sharing your words of appreciation. You are awesome!

      In your case, you add credibility to your blog and your business 🙂


  12. Hi Kumar,

    Your post ought to be required reading for any new blogger who may be serious about advancing their cause through this medium.

    It’s hard, challenging, and yet amazingly exciting.

    I have taken #5 to heart and worked hard to build relationships with several established and amazing bloggers who are highly influential.

    Sometimes it happens fast, but most times you have to demonstrate you’re there with them for the long-term. Once you transition from being a member of their community to being a joint community, the sky is the limit for both partners.

    One thing I want to add it’s along the line that Adrienne brought up above… too many bloggers have no idea of who they are, what problems they are solving, who they are solving the problems for, and how to properly message their products and services around the solution so as to not be tacky, spammy, or salesy.

    Blogging isn’t selling, it’s a more meaningful, intentional relationship building tool that earns the right to experience trust, like, and know… 3 values we all say we want but few are willing to work hard to get.

    Thanks for a great post.
    ~ Don Purdum

    PS – I did find your article on

  13. Hey Kumar,

    These are some great points you made here. The biggest one for me was the point you made in #3. There were plenty of times, and I’d admit that I was guilty of this too, that I would visit a blog and all I saw were advertisements and sales copy. I would then revisit the blog a couple of more times but still saw the same thing. This really turned me off just for the simple fact that they were just trying to get their visit to buy what they were marketing. They didn’t seem to even care about helping you with your own problems, but only to help themselves.

    Then, as you mentioned, you go to other blogs, and you find that they have a big following. if you read their content, it shows how much they really want to help their visitors. And once in a blue moon they will put out a product or service that may help you. This is definitely how to create credibility and at the same time financial success! Thanks for sharing these tips and I hope you’re having a great week!

  14. Hi Kumar,

    Brand is something that is so important but is difficult to do so I’m glad you wrote an article giving the important bullet points.I think the important one for me is #2. I’ve heard that people don’t know what I do and I’ve got to somehow figure out how to get that message across to people. Tough one. Still working on it.

    Good points on all though.

  15. I cannot agree more with this entry Kumar. A blog can easily achieve all you’ve listed here and even far more if handled and grown with the upmost care and diligence. It’s sad, such doesn’t frequently occur in the blogosphere these days.

    Make the day great!


  16. Nice post, blogging is really awesome branding method or whatever which can easily achieve the targeted goal. We can either promote our products or services and the it’d be achieved in a short time.


  17. Hi Kumar,

    I couldn’t agree more! I see bloggers who are on the fly to make a quick dollar as it is very evident from their communication that their priority is themselves.

    Love your point number one. This is such a great principle to follow, which I’ve tried to do from the beginning. Very sound advice!

    Yep, it definitely takes time to grow into knowing how to propose our value…Honing in on who exactly our target audience is and then to provide solutions to their problems.

    For number three, I love that quote from John Maxwell. I know a lot of people are shy about being personally contacted, but I put my phone number and all contact info on my Contact Page because I want to be completely accessible to my readers and subscribers. Why? Because I truly care and want to help people.

    EXCELLENT point about credibility gap and making sure to underpromise and overdeliver!! Wonderful of you to bring this to the forefront as it needs to be said.

    Number 5 is a very powerful strategy to use, and I’ve only fully been implementing this in the last 9-12 months and have seen very good results.

    Your post is extremely helpful, Kumar, and I will be sharing for sure. Thanks so much for a post worthy of bookmarking and sharing!!

    Take Care,
    Carol Amato

  18. Hi Kumar,

    I so entirely agree with what you’re saying here.

    You’re not the first person I hear say that they realized that their blog was not really sending the right message as for what their service was. Sometimes it may be obvious to us, but not so obvious to the public.

    In my case, I’ve never had someone asking me what I was doing and seeing the requests that I’m getting from my blogs it looks like they’re clear about it, so I’m good there 🙂

    Yes, credibility is everything, and if you lose credibility is a long stiff hill to go back on top of. May we never go down that road.

  19. Hey Kumar,

    I love this steps and this are the surefire ways that helps a webmaster build their brand and thus rank quickly online.

    I am doing just few of this shared points and now that you said’em, I’ll focus more on doing them with my blog and I’ve so drifted from my core value lately.

    Thanks so much and I also have enlisted this one on my Friday Roundup Post.


  20. Hi Kumar, Great post. I think I’m weak too with #2. Something to work on more in the coming months. Thanks for sharing these and pointing out what we can do to build our own credibility. Relationships are key with blogging and I think many try to overlook that one. Some of the more influential bloggers don’t seem to always respond to newbies or less influential bloggers. I guess when you run into one of those – run and find another. There are so many that do and truly love people like Adrienne Smith, Ms. Ileane and Kim Garst.
    I hope you have a great rest of the week there Kumar.

    • Hi Lisa,

      That point was the challenge for me too and I am still working to get better 🙂

      So, you are not alone.

      Relationships are something I used to struggle. Initially, I didn’t even understand why should I even do it let alone the “How” part of the equation.

      But, now I know once I understood the value and now that I have made some good friends. I have learnt so many good things from you too. Thank you for dropping by and adding value.


  21. Hi, Kumar!

    Establishing your credibility online is indeed important, for it is your foundation of trust here in this online world. There are many ways to build your online credibility, and blogging has been one of the most effective ways to do it.

    Blogging is indeed a beneficial business and hobby. You can rest assured that you can effectively build your online credibility through blogging, since it has been one of the benefits that you can get on it.

    I’ve indeed learned more a lot here. Thanks for the shared knowledge! 🙂

    I’ve found this article shared on and leave the same comment there.

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