I have read literally hundreds of books on topics like leadership, team building, motivation and the like. As I read, if something comes up with an extraordinary message, it goes into my classic collections. Beyond Success is clearly goes in my favorite classic collections. The book is full of extremely useful and practical leadership and team building skills that go straight into the heart!
Coach John Wooden of UCLA will always be remembered not only for his unparellel success record, but for the quality of the character he helped build in the teams he coached. Most NBA teams today have trouble emulating the team effectiveness of Coach Wooden's basketball squads and his success story will be an inspiration for generations to come. The Author of the book, Brian Biro has done a tremendous job of sharing those incredible 15 principles of success in this awesome book!
This book does a phenomenal job of capturing the philosophy and practices behind Coach Wooden's success, and translating it into what can be done in other spheres of life, such as work and business. Anyone can learn or be reminded of important lessons from this book that will provide much personal satisfaction and accomplishment.
John Wooden's Pyramid of Success is a definitive guide to success in any field and this book has given life to each of the step in this pyramid with great practical examples throughout. Here are the 15 success principles explained in Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success:
Industriousness (The principle of hard work)
Self-Control (Never forget the basics )
Alertness (Opportunities come at unexpected times)
Intentness (Consistency & Perseverance)
Condition (Character building – physical, mental, moral, and emotional)
Skill ( Ability and drive to learn)
Team spirit
Poise (Be Yourself at all times)
Competitive Greatness (Rising to the occasion – everyday).
All these 15 nuggets are absolutely powerful and I really enjoyed reading this book several times in a row. I have made a point to read this book at least once a year and I highly recommend this book if you are already in a leader's shoe or aspiring to be one.
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