Just a few weeks after I had finished reading and writing my book review on the awesome Go for No! Yes is the Destination, No is How You Get There, I had an opportunity to grab a copy of Bypassing NO in Business – Selling Your Ideas with Ease, an awesome new book by Vincent Harris and Harlan H. Goerger full of new body language and influence strategies to eliminate or reduce resistance to anything.
I love to read the research reports and I am very impressed at the first sight when I found out that this book was based on a 20 years of research work. And true to the claim, the book has distinct 30 new ideas spread across it’s well organized 30 little chapters with amazing illustrations.
From the title, it looks like a book filled with sales techniques, but actually, this book breaks new ground. It teaches how to stop wasting your energy trying to overcome objections in the marketplace. It rather shows the simple ways to easily eliminate them altogether.
This book is about increasing your influence on other people by not just understanding their body language, but also using your own body language to create rapport, reduce resistance and create a constructive atmosphere around you to build great business relationships.
I am glad I read this book at the right time. I got in this book exactly what I needed to read at this point in time. I am extremely excited to share my review on this book with you today!
Leadership is all about influencing people and therefore, this book is a must read for every leader.
Question: Have you read any book that impressed you so much that you would like to recommend? If you already have read this book, what did you like the most about this book? Please share your response in the comments now.
Kumar awesome review, making me curious to learn more sales strategic, which is outcome 20 years of research. 🙂
Indeed it is an incredible book to read. You definitely should.